Julie Romeo

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A professional musician, adjudicator, composer, music educator and technology specialist, Julie played professionally for many years (with her two talented siblings) as the “Romeo Sisters.” At the same time, she immersed herself in exploring emerging new music technologies. After traveling to 46 of the 50 states, she planted roots (and a few sunflowers) in Dallas and taught digital music classes at Northlake College in Irving, TX. 
Later, while serving as Vice President of Market Development for Brook Mays Music Company, Julie’s teaching background helped her cultivate lasting professional (and personal) relationships with many music educators. 
In August 2006, Julie launched Dallas-based Romeo Music. She continues to serve the music education community by providing innovative technology products, solutions and applications – as well as thoughtful, personalized service for dedicated educators at all levels.
A frequent music technology clinician at MTNA, TMTA, MENC, TMEA and WPPC, Julie also proudly serves on the Advisory Board of The College Music Society.
Julie earned her Bachelor of Music in Piano Performance from Northwestern University – and was the finale performer with the Northwestern Orchestra as the Piano Concerto Winner. While attending Northwestern, she was fortunate to work with one of the country’s first full electronic music labs (under the direction of Dr. James Syverud).