Alfred's Creating Music Series - Hearing Music, Home Version
By Morton Subotnick
Home Version CD-ROM
Now children can experience music at the most basic level, before ever picking up an instrument or learning to read! Morton Subotnick's series of interactive music games facilitates experimentation with the fundamentals of pitch, rhythm, and sounds of various instruments and styles of music. Children learn what it means to play a high or low note, soft or loud, and fast or slow, with lovable characters and detailed explanations to guide them along the way!
This series of fun-filled games breaks musical concepts down to patterns, visuals and easy exercises. Children learn to identify different sections of music, nuances in a melody and changes in rhythm---all by listening to songs by the world's most famous composers. Explore the elements that build music; hear musical differences in endings, repetitions, and variations; compare differences in the music you hear; link musical phrases in the proper order; see what you hear by matching the musical notation to the sound clip; learn the difference between 'same' and 'similar'; grow from beginner to advanced with three levels for each game. An integrated help menu provides audio instructions for each game. For ages 5 and up, this version is perfect for home use.
See a product demo at www.creatingmusic.com/demo